Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – November 17, 2020
The increase in COVID cases around the country and in CT is concerning. For the safety of our patients and staff, NEFI will implement a new testing protocol.
Who will require testing?
- Procedures: All patients having procedures at NEFI will require a RAPID TEST within 72 hours of the procedure.
- Cycling patients: All cycling patients will be required to have a RAPID TEST within 72 hours of starting their medications.
- Partners: Those partners who will come into the office will also require a test before their first visit. They will not be required to be tested again.
- That means that IVF patients will need to be tested TWICE, once before starting meds and once before their procedure
- This will also apply to egg donors and surrogates who are traveling into CT
How will the test be done?
- We will create a list of local facilities that offer RAPID COVID TESTING and distribute to all our patients
- Patient should be responsible to find a local facility and make an appointment there.
- We will provide a script for testing for all patients.
- Those patients who cannot arrange for a test will be sent an IGENOMIX kit.
Need to keep in mind that the turnaround for the test including shipping to the patient and shipping to Igenomix can be 4-5 days.
How do we notify our patients?
- Waiting room, blood drawing room and exam room signage
- Patient portal in eIVF
- Daily calls by the clinical team
Continuous monitoring of symptoms
- All patients will be asked to declare their condition upon arrival at NEFI and report if they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, have been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19, and have been tested for COVID-19.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – July 2, 2020
The governors of NY, NJ and CT have jointly issued a travel advisory for anyone traveling from states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread COVID-19. The list of states included in this advisory has been changing daily.
In order to keep our patients and staff safe during these uncertain times, we provide the following guidance to our out of state visitors. Adhering to this guidance will allow us to continue to provide our services without interruption. We continue to monitor the situation and will notify you of any changes in policy.
Things you should do before you travel to CT:
- Self-quarantine in your home state for the two weeks prior to your trip to CT to the extent possible. If necessary, we can prepare a letter of excuse for you to pass along to your employer.
- Try to, limit out of the home activities such as shopping, dining, socializing etc.
- Wear a mask every time you must leave your home to out in public (this applied to your partner, if applicable, as well)
- Have your COVID-19 testing performed within 48 hours of your arrival to CT. Most states provide testing without an appointment. Please let us know if you need an order from our office.
- Report any symptoms that may suggest a COVID infection to your coordinator (see the list below)
- Please also inform us of any contact you have had with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
Things to do once in CT:
- Self-quarantine at the hotel with the exception of essential trips for food an to our office for your appointments.
- Wear a mask whenever you are out in public including hotel lobbies, Ubers, our office, etc.
- Report any symptoms that may suggest a COVID infection to your coordinator (see the list below).
- Please also inform us of any contact you have had with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
What to expect in our offices:
- Upon entry your temperature will be checked.
- You will be provided a mask and ask to wash your hands
- We encourage you to come to the office by yourself
- Please adhere to the appointment time you are given
Symptoms that may indicate a COVID infection. Please contact us if you experience any of these symptoms:
- Fever and chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- New loss of taste or small
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – June 2, 2020
New England Fertility is open! As of May, Dr. Gad Lavy has resumed seeing patients in-office. We are also still offering virtual consultations for any patients who wish to stay home. We will continue to monitor all ongoing developments and will change our protocols accordingly based on recommendations from the Center of Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), local and state health agencies as well as our industry governing body the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
Rest assured, we are taking several precautions in order to ensure that our patients and staff remain healthy and safe. Please don’t hesitate to call our office if you have any questions about your care or our safety measures.
COVID-19 Update – April 9, 2020
We know the uncertainty around fertility treatment can feel disappointing during this difficult time for our country. At NEFI, we are committed to moving your fertility journey forward.
We are closely monitoring all ongoing developments and changing our protocols accordingly based on recommendations from the Center of Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), local and state health agencies as well as our industry governing body the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).
What does this mean for our patients?
This is a constantly-evolving situation, and as a result, all care is subject to changing conditions. We are committed to avoiding community spread by following current health guidelines:
- All consults that do not require an in-office exam have been moved to telemedicine platforms.
- Dr. Lavy will work with each patient to assess specific needs and time sensitivity associated with each treatment cycle. This may apply to patients with diminished ovarian reserve, as well as other conditions where extended delays may impact patient outcomes. Patients should schedule a telemedicine appointment with Dr. Lavy to determine the best treatment options and timelines.
- Should your treatment need to be rescheduled, we are committed to rescheduling your cycle as soon as possible. Know that we look forward to resuming care (safely) as much as you do. We will be in communication with you regularly to update you on timing.
- The health and safety of our patients are critical to us. We are adhering to the social distancing recommendation by updating our protocols to minimize unnecessary interaction and reduce risk as follows:
- Limiting visitors for in-office appointments
- Frequent disinfection to high touch items
- Keeping sick/symptomatic patients or employees out of office
- Providing ongoing training to our employees of safe practices
We know this situation is stressful and we don't want it to delay your dream of having a child. Thankfully, there are many steps that can be accomplished through telemedicine appointments now to get our patients closer to achieving their family building dreams. We’re committed to providing access to care during this time.
Please don’t hesitate to call our office to speak with us about any specific questions you may have about your care. We promise to continue providing updates via our website, email, and social media channels. We are so happy to partner with you in your journey to build your family. We are here for you every step of the way.
Additional Resources
- CDC guidelines for COVID-19:
- ASRM guidelines for COVID-19:
COVID-19 Update – March 18, 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a constantly-evolving situation that is affecting the United States and the international community. We want our patients to feel confident that we are closely monitoring all developments and adhering to recommendations from the Center of Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), local and state health agencies as well as our industry governing body the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). We understand that our patients may have questions about how this affects their treatments, how we are helping to minimize the spread of the disease, and how our business operations may change during this unique time. We are first and foremost committed to being advocates for our patients and helping you continue your fertility journey.
Effective March 18, 2020 we will be offering telemedicine appointments for both new patient and follow-up consultations. We will also be rescheduling any cycle starts. Rest assured we are prepared and ready to proceed with fertility treatments as soon as possible. Our staff is reaching out to patients as quickly as possible to discuss your rescheduling options.
Please be advised of the following updates:
Continuation of Fertility Treatment Cycles
At this time, we are proceeding with cycles for patients that are currently in stim under the directive of their physician. We will continue to provide a safe environment for the patients to be seen in our office during their treatment cycle.
We are rescheduling appointments for anyone who was scheduled to start their cycle between now and March 30th or later as nationally recommended depending on local government shelter ordinances. This includes intrauterine inseminations (IUIs), in vitro fertilization (IVF) including retrievals and transfers (fresh and frozen). The decision to suspend all new treatment cycles was not made lightly and was made with the goal of keeping our patients and staff safe. We are committed to resuming treatment cycles as soon as possible.
Refund Policy for Any Cycle Disruptions Due to COVID-19
Again, we are proceeding with cycles for patients that are currently in stim under the directive of their physician. If, during the course of a scheduled cycle, a patient begins to demonstrate symptoms of illness and/or has a confirmed exposure to COVID-19, the cycle may be delayed or cancelled subject to the discretion of our medical professionals. If it is determined that your cycle must be delayed or canceled due to COVID-19 related issues, we will issue a credit for medical expenses incurred from cycle start through cycle cancellation (minus medication expenses). Credit balances will be established on a case-by-case basis. We are not able to extend credit toward products or services provided by third parties (products or services provided by third parties include but not limited to medications, phlebotomy, anesthesia, genetic testing, tissue storage fees, etc).
Telemedicine Appointments
If you are not currently in a cycle, telemedicine consults will be the only option to consult with your physician until further notice. Please direct questions concerning insurance coverage or out-of-pocket expenses for these telemedicine options to our clinic staff.
While the COVID-19 situation can feel stressful and even a bit overwhelming we don't want it to delay your dream of having a child even longer than is safely necessary. There are many steps that can be accomplished through telemedicine appointments now. To help you continue your fertility journey beyond the new patient appointment, we are working on options to offer in home diagnostic testing. Our goal is to help you move forward in your fertility journey now so that as soon as we are able to resume normal patient care you are closer to achieving your family building dreams.
Prevention & Treatment of COVID-19
For those patients that will still be coming in to complete their cycle, please be advised that any patients entering the clinic will be screened related to current health, travel history, and COVID-19 exposure. If you are already experiencing flu-like symptoms or have recently traveled to a high risk country and you are currently in treatment or are scheduled to come in for an appointment or procedure, we ask that you call our office immediately to discuss your options.
Social Distancing – Single Guest Policy
Please be advised that, until further notice, our clinic is implementing a single guest policy. We suggest that all patients undergoing monitoring do so alone. Only one guest will be permitted to accompany any patient while onsite. Additionally, children and animals are not permitted in the office at this time. For the safety of our patients and staff, any individual who demonstrates a cough will be asked to leave the facility.
Please review our COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions below.
We are here to answer any specific questions you have. Please feel free to call our office to speak with one of our team members. We will continue to provide updates on our website and social media. We are honored you have chosen us to manage your care during your fertility journey and are here to help guide you.
Q: Does COVID-19 impact fertility?
Currently, there is no published data or information to suggest that COVID-19 impacts fertility.
Q: Should I delay seeing a fertility specialist or moving forward with fertility treatment in light of COVID-19?
Most individuals of reproductive age are not considered “high-risk” for COVID-19, and therefore it is not necessary to delay your new patient consult. We are offering telemedicine appointments for both new patient and follow-up consultations that do not require in-office examination. Scheduling this appointment now will push you further down the path to starting your family. There are many steps that can be completed now through telemedicine appointments.
Q: Do you recommend that I postpone any attempt at getting pregnant until the virus is contained?
Please continue to review guidance from the CDC related to COVID-19 and pregnancy here. You may wish to delay pregnancy if you have traveled to high risk areas, been in close contact with someone who has traveled to high risk areas, or if you are feeling ill. If you think you might have been exposed to the virus, self-quarantining for 14 days after the last known exposure to the virus has been recommended by the CDC. If you are ill, have your primary care provider order a COVID-19 test from a commercial lab. The result will determine if you have an infection or are free of COVID-19.
Q: Are my eggs/embryos/sperm at risk of exposure to COVID-19?
No. Our laboratories are designed to specifications for complete containment of recombinant DNA. It has a positive pressure air handling system, HEPA filtration system, and maintains extremely rigorous cleaning and quality assurance protocols at all times. It is also located separately from areas where patients are seen for monitoring, appointments, examinations, or procedures. Our laboratory is CAP accredited and therefore adheres to all best practices for safety and infection prevention.
Q: What happens if I get exposed to COVID-19 during my IVF cycle?
If you demonstrate symptoms of COVID-19, or if you are confirmed to have COVID-19, your cycle will mostly likely be delayed or canceled. This decision is not made lightly, as we understand the impact of cycle cancellation on our patients and their fertility journeys. This decision will protect you (if your respiratory system is compromised due to infection, it is unsafe to undergo anesthesia, which further suppresses respiration), and will also protect thousands of patients and staff from potential exposure. If one of our providers determines that your cycle must be delayed or canceled due to COVID-19 illness-related issues, we will issue a credit balance in accordance with services rendered during the cycle. Credit balances will be established on a case-by-case basis. We are not able to extend credit toward products or services provided by third parties (products or services provided by third parties include but not limited to medications, phlebotomy, anesthesia, genetic testing, tissue storage fees, etc).
Q: Will my clinic shut down for a period of time?
No. We do not intend to shut down for any period of time. We have a team of clinical and administrative staff who are committed to providing the most effective care possible, in the safest environment possible. While the day to day practice might not look the same, there are many people behind the scenes still committed to helping you achieve your dream of having a family.
Additional Resources
CDC guidelines for COVID-19:
COVID-19 Update – March 16, 2020
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a constantly-evolving situation that is affecting the United States and the international community. We want our patients to feel confident that we are closely monitoring all developments and adhering to recommendations from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and local and state health agencies. We understand that our patients may have questions about how this affects their treatments, how we are helping to minimize the spread of the disease, and how our business operations may change during this unique time. We are committed to the health and safety of our patients and staff. Rest assured; we are also committed to providing services to our patients so that they can safely continue their fertility journey.
Prevention & Treatment of COVID-19
First and foremost, if you or anyone in your household is currently exhibiting flu-like symptoms (cold, fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath), please seek treatment from your primary care provider. If you have difficulty breathing, please go to the nearest Emergency Department.
Please be advised that all patients entering the clinic will be screened related to current health, travel history, and COVID-19 exposure. If you are already experiencing flu-like symptoms or have recently traveled to a high risk country and you are currently in treatment or are scheduled to come in for an appointment or procedure, we ask that you call our office immediately to discuss your options.
Social Distancing & Single Guest Policy
In an effort to best serve our patients and keep our staff safe, we are adhering to recommendations for “social distancing” by offering telemedicine appointments for both new patient consultations and follow-up visits that do not require in-office examination. Please direct questions concerning insurance coverage or out-of-pocket expenses for these telemedicine options to our clinic staff.
Please be advised that, until further notice, we are implementing a single guest policy. Only one guest will be permitted to accompany any patient while onsite. Additionally, children and animals will not be permitted in the office at this time. In an abundance of caution, visits from outside vendors or sales representative will not be allowed.
Continuation of Fertility Treatment Cycles
Most individuals of reproductive age are not considered “high-risk” for COVID-19, and therefore it is not necessary to delay your new patient consult or treatment cycle at this time.
Currently, we are proceeding with all cycles for patients who are in good health. We are continuing normal practice operations at this time. We will continue to monitor all directives from state and federal agencies. Any decisions will be made with the goal of keeping our patients and staff safe.
We also follow stringent guidelines on cleanliness and hygiene and have heightened our protocols to ensure a safe environment for our patients and staff.
Refund Policy for Any Cycle Disruptions Due to COVID-19
Again, we are currently proceeding with all cycles for patients who are in good health. If, during the course of a scheduled cycle, a patient begins to demonstrate symptoms of illness and/or has a confirmed exposure to COVID-19, the cycle may be delayed or cancelled subject to the discretion of our medical professionals. If, under the directive of your Physician, it is determined that your cycle must be delayed or canceled due to COVID-19-related issues, we will issue a credit for medical expenses incurred from cycle start through to cycle cancellation (minus medication expenses).
Please review our COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions below.
We are here to answer any specific questions you have. Please feel free to call our office to speak with one of our team members. We will continue to provide updates on our website and social media. We are honored you have chosen us to manage your care during your fertility journey and are here to help guide you.
Q: Does COVID-19 impact fertility?
Currently, there is no published data or information to suggest that COVID-19 impacts fertility.
Q: Should I delay seeing a fertility specialist or moving forward with fertility treatment in light of COVID-19?
Most individuals of reproductive age are not considered “high-risk” for COVID-19, and therefore it is not necessary to delay your new patient consult or treatment cycle at this time. Our telemedicine appointments will allow you to have an initial consultation or continue on your journey with follow-up appointments in order to develop a treatment plan that can be followed through when you are ready.
Q: If I recently traveled abroad, will that impact when I start treatment?
We recommend waiting two weeks after traveling to areas with reported cases of COVID-19 to start your treatment. Please call our office to determine the appropriate next steps in your plan.
Q: Are my eggs/embryos/sperm at risk of exposure to COVID-19?
No. Our laboratory is designed to specifications for complete containment of recombinant DNA. It has a positive pressure air handling system, HEPA filtration system, and maintains extremely rigorous cleaning and quality assurance protocols at all times. It is also located separately from areas where patients are seen for monitoring, appointments, examinations, or procedures. Our laboratory is CAP accredited and therefore adheres to all best practices for safety and infection prevention.
Q: What should I do if I become sick with a fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath?
If you develop a fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher), cough, or have trouble breathing, please seek care immediately.
- Please seek treatment from your primary care provider.
- Please inform the care provider of your symptoms and make the provider aware of any recent travel.
- Ask the provider to order a COVID-19 test.
- If you have difficulty breathing, please go to the nearest Emergency Department.
- We recommend that you call ahead if possible so that appropriate safety precautions can be observed in the Emergency Room.
- Please avoid contact with others. We all play a vital role in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
- Please contact your Prelude Network clinic to make us aware of your illness.
- Your Physician will collaborate with you to determine the appropriate next steps in your care plan.
Q: Will your clinic shut down for a period of time?
No. We do not intend to shut down for any period of time. We have a team of clinical and administrative staff who are committed to providing the most effective care possible, in the safest environment possible.
“As former fertility patients, Margaret and I understand how important a family is to you. As we watch the details of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) unfold, know that this situation doesn’t have to interrupt your dream. We want to reassure you - we are committed to doing everything we can to ensure a safe continuation of your treatment, including implementing opportunities for telemedicine, where appropriate. If you have questions, concerns, or just need encouragement, please call us–we’ll move through this together.” – TJ Farnsworth, Founder & CEO Inception (parent company to the Prelude Network)
“The Coronavirus pandemic is here and is affecting us all. We have been making preparations since the first reports in China, and its initial worldwide spread. We have initiated policies and procedures to protect our staff and patients, and are prepared to make any necessary changes to assure safety and good outcomes.” – James A. Grifo, MD, PhD, Program Director NYU Langone Prelude Fertility Center/Chief Executive Physician Inception Fertility