Photo Advice for Egg Donation Applicants

“My selfie skills are just fine,” you’re probably thinking.
And we’d probably agree; however, if you’re applying to be an egg donor, we’re here to tell you: Being chosen by intended parents takes more than a good selfie. Having worked with thousands of intended parents, our clinic knows a thing or two about what they look for.
Sure, people building a family care about your background, personality, and overall health, but they have a lot of donors to choose from. Your photos make the difference between someone pausing to learn more about you and scrolling past you to look at another donor. The photos that you upload during the application process are the photos that intended parents will see, if you’re accepted into the program.
Being chosen by intended parents takes more than a good selfie.
Here are some tips on what makes a good egg donor photo:
- Location, location, location: It helps to vary the settings for your photos, and outdoor lighting is the best for capturing your complexion and eyes (but without sunglasses, of course). If you have outdoor hobbies or favorite local places, maybe incorporate those into your pictures. Indoor photos should be well lit, preferably not with fluorescent lighting. Showing yourself in a variety of settings creates a more interesting experience for the IP, so consider mixing up your locations (and even changing outfits to really make your photos distinct from each other). Whatever you do, don’t shoot your photos in a bathroom, and, if possible, avoid mirror selfies.
- Angles, filters, and poses: Your egg donor photo shoot is not the time to get too creative. It’s important that intended parents see how you truly look. Letting your personality shine is good, as long as it doesn’t prevent intended parents from seeing what they want to see. Comfortable, relaxed, and approachable are your best look, and you should capture it while facing forward and looking directly at the camera. No shots from above or below. Take at least a few good full-body shots. It’s best to show yourself with and without makeup. Of course, you should resist the urge to heavily filter your images.
- What else? Since you’re applying to become an anonymous donor, we suggest shooting photos specifically for your application, or at least not using photos you’ve posted to your social media accounts or elsewhere on the internet.
Take your time and put some thought into your egg donor photos. Treat this project like you’re preparing for a job interview. Except, in this case, your looks are part of your résumé, and intended parents often are looking for specific attributes. Put your best foot — and face — forward, and you’ll help your chances of helping someone start a family!